A B2B social media case study on Facebook

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“I recently came across an extraordinary presentation on the topic of B2B social media from Social Media Week Copenhagen. The presenter was Jonathan Wichmann, social media manager for Maersk Line.”


“You may or may not be familiar with Maersk Line. They are the largest container shipping company in the world, which while impressive is probably less interesting than many superstar companies of social media.”


“What I appreciate about Jonathan and his team at Maersk Line is their transparency. In his talk he laid out a lot of their process and philosophy on B2B social media that many businesses might guard as proprietary. For a company in such a competitive environment to be so forthcoming is pretty special. I recommend listening to his talk and understanding their best practices for yourself.” by Jim Dougherty


Read more: http://leaderswest.com/2013/04/01/a-case-study-in-best-in-class-b2b-social-media/

Ken Jondahl‘s insight:

This is a worthwhile article to read if you come from a heavy industry and are wondering, "how the heck would we use social media?".


One of the strategies used by Jonathan and his team is to make sure they are not "selling" on Facebook. They want to develop their employees as thought leaders in their fields. Building personal connections with prospects and customers to encourage them to reach to out to Maresk when a business need in their company develops.


Another interesting point is around customer care. "Jonathan commented  that many customer service issues are answered by fans before the customer care team can intervene."


See on leaderswest.com