Social Media and Storytelling Part 1: Does Story Selling Work?

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“The game has changed. We no longer live in a broadcast era where marketers can simply buy people’s attention with a TV campaign. There are different rules now and we need to earn the attention of our audience.”


“From a marketer’s perspective, that means that we’re moving towards pull versus push approach, sometimes referred to as inbound marketing. We can no longer push our messages across, we need to pull customers in with engaging, useful content.” by Cameron Uganec


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Ken Jondahl‘s insight:

I like how Cameron discusses it is not businesses connecting with consumers in B2C. It is people connecting with people.


In B2B, Mike Bosworth coined the phrase H2H. To survey and thrive in todays economy as a sales person. We need to make sure our approaches are Human to Human. Make a connection first and focus on the customers needs by using the power of story.


HootSuite has definetly adopted the power of story. Watch the short video which explains in a visual story how "Social Media Saves the Holidays".


Another great video on the page is the introduction of Apple back in 1984. And to think, many people believe traditional marketing never used story. Most of the best examples of tactics and strategies from the best in class companies start with story.


Content marketing is not about filling pages with boring stuff. Make it come alive by using the power of story. Especially in social media B2B marketing where people are looking for information which resonates with them, not you as the author.



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