Category Archives: Align Sales Marketing

The Best of Breed Align Sales Marketing in 3 Main Areas: Buying Cycle, Common Language and Common Sales Method

14 Articles for CMO’s: Align Sales Marketing, Customer Focus, Silo’s

“A couple weeks ago I wrote a post “The Myth that Marketing Automation Reveals Buyers’ Journeys” that explained there was increasing consensus …about changes in the buyer’s journey and the mandate for vendors to adapt to those changes in order to grow.”

“Consolidating the research in one place demonstrates the flood of voices urging vendors to align with the customer, break down silos and bridge marketing and sales departments.” by Christine Crandell

A collection of 14 articles, read more:

See on Scoop.itSales Marketing Alignment

Ken Jondahl‘s insight:

The 14 articles are grouped by 3 main categories:

1 Customer Centricity

2 Align Sales Marketing

3 Breaking Down Silos