Category Archives: Storytelling

Creating Positive Influence Through the Power of Story

22 Rules of Storytelling Every Teacher Should Know About

“Writing is a scary task  for students because it is partly a single-minded activity that calls for a lot of serious thinking and partly due to the overarching focus that has being placed on teaching writing as product and not process.”

“Donald Murray, a writing theorist of grand calbire, is unequivocal on this, in his Write to Learn , Murray emphasizes the importance of teaching writing as a process.”

“Another way to get students engaged and motivated to write is through storytelling. Students are always excited to write about their own personal experiences and about stories that are part of their immediate environment.”

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How Can a Scientists Story Help Me?

Stories are the best vehicle for communicating your work.

“Everyone loves a good story, so why do so many scientists shy away from story-telling when discussing their work? Part of the problem could be that we think of stories as fiction, and story-telling as the art of drawing people into a fictional reality.”

“Not true. “The story is a vehicle for a message,” said Brian Lin, Senior Media Relations Specialist at the University of British Colombia, and communications strategist Andy Torr.” –  Catherine de Lange

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Ken Jondahl‘s insight:

Here is an article to read which allows us to walk in another professions shoes.

Most everyone has read a research paper in science and walked away confused. Learning about how the boring research was completed. And to think, all we wanted to know, “What’s the Point?”.

Now go read a few white papers and/or case studies in your industry. (Not your own companies.) What do you think the industries customers are thinking as they read the same words?

There are times it makes sense to use a typical case study/white paper in the buy-sell cycle. Such as in the proof stage. However, the prospect-customer already has a vision of how to use your products services. They want the details as proof.

My recommendation, rebuild your case studies/white papers into decent oral stories. Now your sales people have something to tell during the discovery phase of the buy-sell cycle. During the time all the customer really wants to know is “What’s the Point?”


Cut the Clutter and Tell a Great Story

“From annoying pop-up ads to often completely irrelevant video pre-rolls, the clutter is causing consumers’ “BS meters,” as digital rock star Gary Vaynerchuk has called them, to become more sensitive and accurate than ever before.”

“So while the speed of technology is increasing, it’s interesting to note that one of the hottest trends in online marketing might just be the age-old art of story-telling.”

“What does this mean? To cut through the clutter, businesses need to stop annoying, and start telling stories.” – Lisa Ostrikoff

Read full article on The Gobe and Mail.

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Ken Jondahl‘s insight:

The article focuses mostly on the visual marketing via web/ads/etc and is dead on in the conclusions. Now think about your sales people.

Are they really prepared to have conversations with customers which include great stories around your company, the people and how you help customers?

If not, the next time an annoying pop up ad hits you in the face. Think about how your customers feel when your sales person visits and goes on and on about the product features and benefits without a full understanding of the customers needs.

In sales we need to get to the point and tell a great story around the product usage.

It is not about it. It is all about how it is used.

The Psychological Power of Storytelling

“…the human brain has been on a slower evolutionary trajectory than the technology.”

“Stories are authentic human experiences. Stories leap frog the technology and bring us to the core of experience, as any good storyteller (transmedia or otherwise) knows.”

“There are several psychological reasons why stories are so powerful.

Pamela Rutledge, Ph.D.

Ken Jondahl‘s insight:

Based on how our brains are wired. Sales and marketing conversations need to be structured with the right stories to help the customer make sense out of how our products/services can help them achieve their needs.

Always remembering, the power of storytelling is not to persuade, it is to help the customer develop a vision of a better future.

Read about the many ways storytelling helps us connect with those we want to positively influence during the buy-sell cycle.

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How to Tell a Great Story – Seth Godin

How to Tell a Great StoryGreat stories succeed because they are able to capture the imagination of large or important audiences.

 …great stories are rarely aimed at everyone.

 …great stories agree with our world view. – Seth Godin

Ken Jondahl‘s insight:

If a great story captures a large or important audience, how is it a great story is rarely aimed at everyone?

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