Category Archives: Buyers Journey

The Best Buying Experience is based on how buyers buy, not on how we sell.

Build and Tell Stories by Persona to Map the Buyers Journey

At Marketo, one of our personas is “Molly the Marketer”.

By understanding who she is and what makes her tick, we can ask questions–what do I say to her? What messages will resonate?”

Because you are creating a more personal profile, you can write content and create marketing programs that comes from an emotional place… Personas bring more of a human touch to your marketing.”

How do you start?

“To develop your personas you need to determine what their goals and attitudes are. You have to ask yourself, what do you they know? What do they respond to?” – Dayna Rothman

How do you get this information? Read full article on

See on Scoop.itStory Selling

Ken Jondahl‘s insight:

Remember as you build personas, provide them with a title and/or function which you want to positively influence based on “how” your products/services will help them achieve their needs.

As with most B2B buying committees, you will likely need more than one title represented.

My recommendation, start with the typical titles in your B2B buy-sell cycles and work backwards as you map out the buyers journey. One of the most important aspects of personas is to have the correct needs by assoicated titles before spending too much time on the details. This would be a top down approach to creating personas by a product and/or service line you promote/sell.