Marketo’s Jason Miller | Social Media B2B Marketing on Facebook | Always be Helping

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We caught up with Jason Miller, Marketo’s social media strategist, at the Marketo Summit Conference to talk Facebook business-to-business marketing and spill his best tips to drive leads.


Yu: Jason, think fast – name five purple things.

Miller: Barney, Grimace, crayons, eggplant, and Jon Miller’s shoes.

Yu: Awesome. How important is a sense of humor in social marketing?


Miller: I believe it’s vital. On Facebook, you have to showcase your personality by having a comedian on your marketing team. Then, you’re golden. He comes up with clever and catchy jokes to post, and he ties them back to a business offer with your company. And Dennis, believe me when I say we’ve seen dramatic success with that approach.


Yu: I believe you, but most folks say they’re not so  sure. (Interview by Dennis Yu, CEO BlitzMetrics)


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Ken Jondahl‘s insight:

Marketo continues to hit it out of the park in terms of being one of the fastest growing small companies. Plus, they are successful in social media.


As Jason says, "Folks often say I market to marketers, and that’s not quite B2B. But, trust me, this is coming from the trenches. It’s coming from a lot of trial and error. I know what tactics and strategies work."


His advice, use what is successfull with others on Facebook. Start with case studies and don’t be afraid to try new things. Such as being fun and engaging.


Their audience is engaged with visual lighthearted posts. They have a calendar they post to, which is daily.


Their objective is "not" to qualify the suspect as a sales lead. Their primary objective is to make a connection, get the suspect to sign up for a newsletter and begin nurturing the suspect with appropriate content for the top of the funnel. The nurturing content is fed by newsletter signup, not via Facebook.


Marketo believes the marketing lead will turn themselves into a sales lead if nurtured properly. If not, they continue to nurture them until the time is right on the prospects side of the buy-sell cycle, not on Marketo’s timing.


Many companies have tossed out the old Always Be Closely style of sales. At Marketo, they walk the talk of "Always Be Helping".


Recommendation, review what Marketo is doing on their social sites and determine if any of the tactics and strategies will work for your company. Plus, Jason named a number of social media B2B marketing people to consider following in the article.





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