Help Find Your B2B Social Marketing Sweetspot Using Statistics

A general  audience survey can be helpful in providing guidance and discovering your  audience on social media channels.

“To paraphrase a line from the funny Tim Washer, all B2B prospects and customers are people, so  their general internet usage is something to consider.”

“Let’s look at some of the survey results with a bit of thought around each  stat and how it applies to a B2B audience.” – Jeffrey L. Cohen

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Ken Jondahl‘s insight:

The reason I’ve scooped this page is to offer caution to this approach. Granted you can find huge %’s of people in numerous on line social sites.

Yet this is a top down approach and can easily lead to dead ends.

Try a bottoms up approach to confirm any top down observations.

1st – Are any of your existing “good” customers represented on any particular social sites.

2nd – Are they active in a business way on any of the social sites.

3rd – Is there a new type of customer profile you are after. If so, check off #1 and #2 for a generic profile by specific industry, market, and job titles.

NOTE: There are times it makes sense to go after a younger crowd for long term branding awareness and social marketing is an approach. However, this only works for very specific markets and/or product lines. Such as going after all college students because your products sweet spot is Grad students.