For Real Influence, Listen Past Your Blind Spots While Story Tending

“More than ever before, people see through the self-serving tactics and techniques that others use to persuade them.”

“They don’t like being pushed, played or nudged to comply, and they resist and resent agenda-driven influencers.”

“The alternative is to use real influence to inspire buy-in and commitment.”

“To invite genuine buy-in and engagement, we need to listen with a strong personal motive to learn and understand.” by Mark Goulston and John Ullmen

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Ken Jondahl‘s insight:

The authors discuss all 4 levels of listening and how the first 3 fall short.

In sales and marketing the power of story comes alive when we truly listen to our customers using level 4 as described in the article. However, there are many things which get in the way.

If you are in sales or marketing, think about how the customer feels when we do not “tend their story” using level 4 and what bad things can happen. Think about your good and bad “buying” experiences.

Was the person actively listening to your issues and needs? Or were they focused on something else?

To receive a story in sales, be prepared to go first and share a relevant story. Then actively listen and connect with the person telling their story in return. Active story tending is a habit which can be learned. It starts with listening to understand, not to respond.

In story selling, to “positively influence change” we need to build trust one story at a time. Just remember, the majority of these stories should be those of the customer.