Can Storytelling Help B2B Social Selling?

“Stories do not exist in media, they are created and experienced in the mind.”Stories are created in the mind

“…transmedia storytelling is a fundamental approach to communications—internal and external—that all organizations should adopt. The drivers of the success do not rest on the economics, but on the quality and integrity of the story.”

“While many scholars and practitioners approach transmedia storytelling with game studies or fan culture roots, the true power of transmedia storytelling rests on the story, not the articulated media elaborations.”

“A story is created and experienced, first and foremost, in the mind.”

Pamela Rutledge, Ph.D.

Ken Jondahl‘s insight:

An issue we have in sales, “It is no longer about how we sell, it is all about how the buyer buys.” If a buyer comes to any of your social media sites, what story do they see?

 After reading the above, consider some of the B2B social sites you’ve visited over the last few years. Do any stand out in your mind? If you are in sales, do any even look like they might help you in your job?

Can one turn moving dirt into a story? For ideas, check out Caterpillar, click on the time line and view how they are unfolding their story via Facebook as one example.

See on Scoop.itStory Selling